Selected by Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D. (Dr. Toy)


Dr. Toy always talks about the value of Classic Toys. They have lasted over time and continue to prove their value to childrens play experiences. Classic Toys provide durability and fun. They have style and have qualities that make them all time favorites. These toys are often used by adults as well as children as Yo Yos, kites, Hula Hoops, Chess and Checkers. You may even find that a train enthusiast began as a boy setting up a layout for his first Lionel train. Or the avid doll collector started learning more about dolls when given a special one from her grandmother. Children are influenced by these early experiences and will grow to enjoy lifetime hobbies if given the opportunity.

Encourage your child to learn more by visiting your public library and seeking resources about toys, trains and dolls. Help them to learn to care for these assets so that they understand they are special and must be treated well.

Remember to look for Classic Toys throughout the year at your favorite specialty store. Here are some great ones that Dr. Toy recommends this year. These are wonderful products to introduce to your child when they best fit their age and readiness. Watch for these other great classic toys including:

Bubble Pipes
Candy Land
Erector Set
Etch a Sketch
Hula Hoop
Jacks and Ball
Jump Rope
Mr & Mrs Potato Head
Play Doh
Yo Yo

What is your favorite classic toy? Write to nominate your favorite for the Classic Hit Parade for the next "Classic Round-up!" Dr. Toy 268 Bush St., San Francisco, CA 94104.

Key to Type:

ac=Arts & Crafts ae=Active at=Audio Tape bg=Board Game
bo=Book cd=CD-ROM co=Construction Toy cp=Creative Product
cr=Computer-related dh=Dollhouse do=Doll eq=Equipment
es=Educational Skills Product fp=Fantasy Play ho=Hobby ml=Musical
mm=Multimedia no=Novelty op=Outdoor Play pl=Plush Toy
pu=Puppet pz=Puzzle sr=Social Responsibility sw=Software
tr=Travel ts=Transportation ty=Toy vt=Video Tape

Company Product Type Price Age Intro Phone
Floor Easel ac cp es $80.00 3 - 7 1989 800-666-2539
Baby Songs vt $12.98 1 - 4 1987 800-745-1145
Raggedy Ann do $22.00 3 - 12 1984 800-777-6990
Labyrinth bg es ty $64.00 6 - 12 1947 888-274-6869
Illustory ac bo cp es ho $21.95 7 - 12 1991 800-706-8697
Kaleidoscope ac cp es ho ty $11.00 6 - 12 1990 800-584-5487
Box of Beads ap ac co cp es no $14.00 5 - 15 1981 800-523-8452
Give It A Whirl es ty $7.99 5 - 8 1989 800-426-4777
Educational Design Crystal Radio Kit ap co cp es ho ty $9.95 8 - 12 1964 800-221-9372
Original Instant Live Sea-Monkeys ap $7.00 6 - 12 1960 800-995-9290
Lite-Brite ty ac cp $15.00 4 - 7 1967 800-327-8264
Play-Doh ty $9.99 3 - 7 1955 800-327-8264
Classic Play Desk ap co cp es ty $14.99 3 - 7 1958 800-243-4870
mini - Tegl co cp dh es ho $35.00 4 - 12 1981 45 47-17-1190
Deluxe Pottery Wheel ap ac cp $24.99 8 - 13 1980 888-425-9113
Rolling Stones Rock Tumbler ap ac cp $34.99 10 - 13 1977 888-425-9113
Ruggles pl ty $26.00 3 - 12 1989 800-682-3427
Rubik's Cube pz tr $9.99 8 -12 1980 800-755-6674
Tinkertoys co $19.99 3 - 7 1913 800-755-6674
TriBond bg $25.00 10 - 12 1990 800-524-4263
Kirsten Doll with Book bo do $90.00 7 - 12 1986 800-845-0005
Quiet Book ap es ty $35.00 18 mos - 3 years 1989 800-635-2994
Town and Country Wagon ap ts ty $69.99 18 mos - 7 years 1970 800-621-7613
Toy Piano cp es ml $88.00 2 - 7 1872 888-414-2739
Clifford the Big Red Dog Wooden Nesting Blocks es $24.99 3 - 5 1990 800-724-6527
Phonics at $8.99 / $19.98 4 - 7 1989 800-248-8946

Key to Type:

ac=Arts & Crafts ae=Active at=Audio Tape bg=Board Game
bo=Book cd=CD-ROM co=Construction Toy cp=Creative Product
cr=Computer-related dh=Dollhouse do=Doll eq=Equipment
es=Educational Skills Product fp=Fantasy Play ho=Hobby ml=Musical
mm=Multimedia no=Novelty op=Outdoor Play pl=Plush Toy
pu=Puppet pz=Puzzle sr=Social Responsibility sw=Software
tr=Travel ts=Transportation ty=Toy vt=Video Tape

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