
Currie Design
go shop! for fashion

  • Active Toy
  • Card Game
  • Educational Skills Product
  • Novelty
  • Travel
Age Range: 9-12
Price: $12.99
Phone: 609-883-0375
Year Released: 2001
Currie Design/go shop! for fashion

This new product is based on the authors game, grouping four related items to create an ‘outfit’ or suit from a particular retailer. Players play to win by getting the most outfits. The game can end by playing until all the outfits have been laid down, until the ‘mall’ or pile is empty or until the first person goes out. The 52 cards are packaged inside a box with a rope handle that represents a shopping bag. The rules are printed on the back of the box. Go Shop! was born from a child’s idea for a school project. The original game was made out of index cards and catalog cut-outs. Matching and organizing is the basis of many games. The colorful chic illustrations provided in this game will make it fun for your young fashion lover to create ensembles and will enable them to use their imagination to envision what the outfit may look like on them. This is an original game of fashion for children of all ages to enjoy.

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