
Discovery Toys
Tug-A-Bug Rattle

  • Active Toy
  • Novelty
  • Travel
  • Toy
Age Range: 6-36 mos
Price: $14.99
Phone: 800-426-4777
Year Released: 2003
Discovery Toys/Tug-A-Bug Rattle

This is a colorful, easy to play with rattle that is soft, fun and is full of surprises for your little one. Lots of sights, sounds and textures will keep your child stimulated while promoting sensory and fine motor skills. The rattle is a perfect size for little hands to grasp and is fun to take along anywhere.

Discovery Toys was established in 1978 by a frustrated mother, Lane Nemeth in her home garage. The company now offers over 200 products including games, toys, books and software.

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