

  • Outdoor Play
  • Travel
Age Range: 6-12
Price: $29.95
Phone: 800-760-9930
Year Released: 2003

This is a perfect group party game that will provide endless hours of active play. All of the pieces come in a nylon carry bag so you can have fun on the go wherever you are. Bucket Blast brings buckets, bean bags and water together with 5 indoor games, 5 outdoor games and 5 water games to play. The set includes 6 buckets, 6 straps, 6 blindfolds, 24 beanbags, 4 boundary cones and 1 nylon carrying bag. Be the first to capture four matching beanbags while passing them around in a circle. Sandwich beanbags between two players in a funny relay race or balance beanbags on your body in a limbo line. Race to the finish line with a bucket full of water strapped to your body. Take Bucket Blast to the beach, the park, camping trips or play in your own backyard. Group playgroups will love these games no matter what their age.

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