
Make Baby Laugh!
Giggle Together

  • Compact Disc
  • Educational Skills Product
  • Socially Responsible
  • Video Tape
  • DVD
Age Range: 6-36 mos
Price: $14.95
Phone: 866-444-2487
Year Released: 2003
Make Baby Laugh!/Giggle Together

This is a new innovative product that will help the whole family learn to original ways to laugh together more. Giggle Together! demonstrates creative ways for parents to entertain and bring joy to their babies and toddlers. A lovely and lively musical soundtrack makes the video pleasant to the ear and the silly 3D animation will keep you giggling. Giggle Together! highlights multi-cultural families engaging in joyful play and help parents begin the process of developing their children’s sense of humor. Based on widely held developmental principles, this is a unique video that will provide positive stimulation. Laughing is a healthy activity that the whole family should spend time doing together. This video is available in both VHS and DVD and comes with a Parent’s Insight Guide so folks can better understand the why’s and how’s of making babies laugh.

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