
Zoo Tycoon™: Complete Collection

  • CD-ROM
  • Electronic Game
  • Software
Age Range: 6-12
Price: $29.95
Phone: 425-882-8080
Year Released: 2003
Microsoft/Zoo Tycoon™: Complete Collection

Developed by Blue Fang Games, this new CD-ROM will provide your child with three games in one. There is Zoo Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon: Dinosaur Digs, and Zoo Tycoon: Marine Mania. Each game will allow player’s imaginations to run wild as they care for more than 100 land, aquatic and prehistoric animals in the most beautiful and lively zoo imaginable. Players can visualize an exciting zoo with a giant panda, killer whale and the mighty T-Rex. With more than 500 building objects, they can set up their own aquatic show or launch an expedition to recover escaped dinosaurs. In addition, there is a whole new Endangered Species Theme Pack with 12 animals on the endangered and/or threatened species list.

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