
Mac the Smart Stool

  • Active Toy
  • Educational Skills Product
  • Other
Age Range: 18-36 mos
Price: $24.99
Phone: 800-344-2229
Year Released: 2003
Munchkin/Mac the Smart Stool

This stool will offer a tremendous boost to your little one. It’s the world’s first interactive step stool that uses a fun method to teach little ones their ABC’s and important counting skills. MAC also features the Stepping Out Game, a musical-chairs type activity, and a toothbrush mode that encourages kids to brush their teeth for 60 seconds. MAC is completely bilingual and can function in either English or Spanish and the simple flick of a switch. The steps are durable and will provide your little one with easy access to the sink. The sturdy non-slip surface makes this product safe. This is a perfect new friend for your growing child and will be a perfect addition to their playtime.

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