
Musini Preschool

  • Electronic Game
  • Educational Skills Product
  • Travel
  • Toy
Age Range: 3-5
Price: $39.99
Phone: 800-220-3669
Year Released: 2003
Neurosmith/Musini Preschool

This product will provide your child with lots of movement and activity as they engage in hours of interactive play. This is a brand new way to make music. Musini Preschool magically senses every vibration and responds with music. Children can dance to the music of their own movements, play interactive instrument games and add their own vocal touch to background music- all just by moving their body. This is an excellent product that will help your child to develop a unique relationship with music and creative movement. It will expose your young one to tempos, rhythmic pattern and musical structure while encouraging physical expression and creativity. Other new and exciting products offered by Neurosmith include Pet Me Platypus™ and Together Tunes, two fun and interactive music making experiences that will grow with your child.

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