
Purple Pebble Games
Numbers Count

  • Educational Skills Product
Age Range: 3-7
Price: $15.99
Phone: 781-639-0209
Year Released: 2003
Purple Pebble Games/Numbers Count

It’s never too early to motivate mathematical learning. Numbers Count was developed by a Kindergarten teacher and a speech-language pathologist. It helps the child build critical thinking skills and promotes success in problem solving. Players flip over a Secret Number Card, listen for clues and use the arrows to uncover the Secret Number. There are three chances to find a strategy and win. While playing ‘Double Digit Duo’ and ‘Secret Momeory’, little ones are sharpening skills in number recognition, sequencing, memory, and number to object correspondence. Contents include 44 self-correcting double sided puzzle pieces, 42 secret number cards, 21 English/Spanish word cards and 2 wiggly arrows. With 6 fun skill-building games, engaging graphics, and multiple levels of play everyone is a winner. Also available is E-Z as ABC, which focuses on letter identification, alphabet sequencing and sound matching. These are critical skills for learning how to read. This is the first alphabet, letter knowledge game on the marketn all and is a great value.

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