2004 Vacation Seal

Doggy Poo

  • Book
  • Compact Disc
  • DVD
Age Range: 3 - 12
Price: $19.99
Phone: 800-833-7456
Year Released: 2004
 Central Park Media / Doggy Poo

This innovative DVD is a unique product that will help your child to understand some of life’s sensitive problems. Your little one will have the opportunity to engage in this story while developing tolerance and an appreciation of nature. Doggy Poo lived on the side of the road and feels left all alone in this world. He believes that nobody needs him for anything and he is sad. Doggy Poo is searching for the meaning and purpose in his life. One day, Doggy Poo meets a lovely dandelion sprout who will help explain Doggy Poo’s purpose in life.

Delightful cartoon animation and characters liven up the screen. Children will enjoy this product as it provides a platform for important conversation.

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