2004 Vacation Seal

The Organ Trail™

  • Board Game
  • Creative Product
  • Educational Skills
  • Toy
Age Range: 8 - 12
Price: $40.00
Phone: 240-645-1063
Year Released: 2004
 Danya International / The Organ Trail™

This is a new and unique board game designed to teach children about the brain and body with a focus on the effects of drugs and alcohol on body functioning. The ‘body bandits’ have entered the sheriff’s bloodstream weakening him and making him sick. As part of the White Blood Cell Posse players help Deputy Red rid the sheriff’s body of troublemakers by answering questions in the game. There are a hundred question cards including five question and answers per card, 12 body bandit cards featuring the bandits that each represents a specific type of drug, 50 body bandits, wanted sheets, and notepad forms to track the bandits as they are captured. Eight different colored pieces and one die are used in the game.

The Organ Trail was developed by Danya International with a federal grant. Learn more on their web site.

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