2004 Vacation Seal


  • Board Game
  • Creative Product
  • Educational Skills
Age Range: 10 - 12
Price: $39.95
Phone: 877-746-3749
Year Released: 2001
 GnuGames / Spinergy®

This is a unique game of original spin. Players are given three random words, which they use to create a response to one of 200 Scenario cards. You create headlines, pick-up lines, soap opera plots, excuses and more. You spin the wheels of the random word generator to get your three words and then you draw a Scenario card. Using your three words, create original and funny responses before time runs out. Players score points by managing to use all three words and by outsmarting the Spinner. The Spinner scores points if they manage to guess other words you’ll use in your response, so be creative. The player with the highest score after three rounds wins the game.

The founder of this game, Kristina Kershner, has degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering and in Architecture. She has used her knowledge of design in order to develop a game that is beautiful, intelligent and fun. Spinergy is a game that the whole family will enjoy.

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