2004 Vacation Seal

Go Ask Your Father

  • Card Game
  • Novelty
Age Range: 6 - 12
Price: $7.95
Phone: 617-539-0176
Year Released: 2003
 Go Ask Anyone / Go Ask Your Father

A creative product this series of conversation cards can be used in many different ways. Players can choose a few cards to get conversations going. You can keep the cards in the car, pick one out while driving and stimulate a discussion. Conversation cards can help to develop better parent/child communication and build compassion. Your child can make better sense out of your discussions by talking more. This product will also help your young conversationalist to build literary and writing skills, particularly if they want to start a journal or scrapbook. Sample questions include: “What mistake have you made taught you the most?” There are 52 conversation cards with fun, interesting, and intriguing questions. And there are wild cards to ask any question you want. Also in this series is “Go Ask Your Mother,” “Go Ask Your Grandparent”, “Go Ask Your Teenager”, “Go Ask Your Girlfriend,” “Go Ask Anyone”, “Go Ask Your Teacher.” These cards are non-competitive, interesting, and fun for the whole family.

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