2004 Vacation Seal

Hunktabunkta FUNsies, Volume 2

  • Active Toy
  • Compact Disc
  • Educational Skills
  • Musical
  • Travel
Age Range: 1 - 2
Price: $15.99
Phone: 888-663-7122
Year Released: 2004
 Hunk-Ta-Bunk-Ta Music / Hunktabunkta FUNsies, Volume 2

This new CD includes fifteen new toddler-tested songs developed specifically to help babies develop. Start your little music lover on the road to a healthy and creative life with this happy collection. The whole family will enjoy singing together. This is a great way to spend long hours in the car while on travel. It is a great way to enhance interactions between parents, care-givers and children. Songs like “Row, Row, Row Your Baby,” and “Pat-a-Cake” put a whole new spin on traditional songs for children. With careful pacing and danceable rhythms, this new musical arrangement will keep the whole family entertained.

Creator Katherine Dines is one of the nation’s leading recording artists and performers.

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