2004 Vacation Seal

Leapster Multimedia Learning System

  • Electronic Game
  • Software
  • Video Game
Age Range: 4 - 8
Price: $79.99
Phone: 800-701-5327
Year Released: 2003
 LeapFrog / Leapster Multimedia Learning System

This is another exciting new product from Leapfrog. It is a hand-held learning system that allows children to learn plus have games, reading, digital creativity, interactive video and homework helper — all in one. This product can be added to and expanded with curriculum, software, and new titles. They are an investment to start with, but you receive a lot of value.

Leapfrog has focused on developing effective learning materials for all ages that has content and technology and is intuitive and engaging. This product will be something useful for your child year round.

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