2004 Vacation Seal

Fish Eat Fish

  • Game
Age Range: 6 - 12
Price: $19.99
Phone: 800-540-2304
Year Released: 2003
 Out of the Box Publishing / Fish Eat Fish

This game will help your child to use their thinking and counting skills. It’s challenging for everyone in the whole family to play and fun because everyone can win and play together. The game is made up of a variety of sea creatures and children read the cards. It has a square box with 35 stackable fish: 15 purple and five each in blue, green, red, and yellow. There are five color-coded sets of challenge cards, a starfish token and four pages of rules included in the game. Players try to eat the other fish in the game. Each player starts with a set of five fish in one color and a deck of 11 challenge cards. The board is a 5 by 5 grid of interconnecting circles.

The starting player gets the starfish token and starts seating the board by placing one of his fish on any of the 25 game board circles. The player to the left places one of his fish. This continues until all the circles are filled. With fewer than five players, some circles remain unfilled. The circles are then occupied with purple neutral fish. When the board is filled the play begins. The player must use one of his fish to do one of three actions. Attack a fish on an adjacent circle, move a fish to a circle adjacent to another fish, and attack that fish or move the fish to a circle where it can be attacked on a later turn.

Attacking is the key to the game. Each of the two players involved in the attack selects one challenge card from his hand and places it face down. Each challenge card deck consists of one shark card, two octopus cards, and eight fish cards. The illustrations are fun. It’s a good game to play for everyone in the family

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