2004 Vacation Seal

Time Out Tot: Behavior Coach

  • DVD
Age Range: 2 - 6
Price: $19.99
Phone: 626-285-3091
Year Released: 2004
 Pausitive Programs / Time Out Tot: Behavior Coach

This award-winning DVD advises parents directly on how to help the child handle a time out. Tot friendly neighborhood squirrel is made by a Jim Henson puppet maker, teaches how to ask for something politely and in a normal tone of voice demonstrating the difference between a good voice and a whiny voice. The song ‘Little Susie Likes to Whine’ is sung to the tune of ‘Old MacDonald’. The issue of tantrums helps the child deal with screaming and kicking and “If You’re Angry” song is sung to “If You’re Happy and You Know it.” Other behaviors are pushing, biting, cutting in line, and grabbing. This is a definitely positive program that will help parent and child build a better relationship and reduce the stress of handling discipline on the part of parents and improve the behavior of the child. The product has won a Dove Foundation Seal of Approval for quality family programming.

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