2004 Vacation Seal

Mr. Quizmee Asks About Animals

  • Compact Disc
  • Educational Skills
Age Range: 6 - 12
Price: $14.95
Phone: 866-482-2332
Year Released: 2003
 Quizzenkids Productions / Mr. Quizmee Asks About Animals

This is an audio CD that the whole family will enjoy. There are 15 characters including Professor Mappit, Heddy Historian, Geck the Gecko, and Grandma Grammar. Ask a question and give time for listeners to formulate an answer. Then give the correct answer in a format that includes songs, rhymes, and rhythm. Trips can be an opportunity for learning and this CD is one to enjoy in the car or anywhere life takes you. It will help your child to learn more about identifying animals. This is a wonderful way for the whole family to sing, play and learn together.

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