2004 Vacation Seal

"It's A Puzzle" CD

  • Compact Disc
Age Range: 3 - 12
Price: $15.00
Phone: 888-439-8342
Year Released: 2003
 Trout Fishing In America / It's A Puzzle CD

This CD is a fun way for your and your child to sing along together on trips or at anytime. Music appeals to every one. This collection will keep your ears happy for hours. Songs are a mix of folk/pop and family music influenced by Reggae, Latin, Blues, Jazz and classic music. Trout Fishing in America recordings has expanded their touring territory to over forty states and several Canadian provinces. They have also developed a variety of song-writing workshops for teachers and students which illustrate how art and music come from the fabric of everyday life. This is an excellent product for the whole family.

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