Smart Play Smart Toy Index
      enticing to child, 19
      frustration or challenge, 19
      product/package, match, 20
      safety, 16
      versatility, 19
      well designed, 16, 19
      what does toy teach, 20
toys (economics of), 21-22
      creativity, growing, 22
      emotional development, enhancing, 20-22
      mentally, strengthening, 28-29
      physically, empowering, 22
toys (features of)
      active, 17
      creative, 17-18
      educational, 18
toys (finding), 14-16
      resources, 14, 239-40. See also Dr. Toy’s
           Play Resources
      shopping guidelines, 16-17
      toy storage, 24
      wish list, 15
Smart Play Smart Toy Index
toys (importance of), 5-7
      toys, how they work, 6-7
      play as child’s work, 5-6
      PQ (Play Quotient), 2-3, 5, 237
      See also play, importance of
Toys for Special Children, 197
toys teach, 23
trains for preschoolers, 115
trampoline for preschoolers, 115
transportation toys
      for older children, 179-80
      for preschoolers, 113
      for primary schoolers, 147-50
      for toddlers (two to three years old), 82
travel and play, 212-13
      air travel, 214-15
      destination, using resources of, 215-16
      games, creating, 216
      preplanning, 213
      toys, 62
      travel play bag,