Smart Play Smart Toy

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Smart Toys Winners by
Learning Skills:

Auditory Skills
Cognitive Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Tactile Skills
Visual Skills
“Do you recall what it was like to be a child at play, excited about discovery, eager to learn? First came shapes, colors, and sounds. Then there were toys.

The toys a child plays with can unlock the door to learning, and each new experience helps to turn the key. How much did we learn through our play? How much can your child learn? You'll be surprised.

Take a moment and touch different objects around you--feel the textures: water, stucco, wood, plastic, glass, paper, fabric, skin, hair. Most of us have forgotten the sheer joy of such discoveries!

Listen to sounds: laughter, talking, music, traffic, planes overhead, and birds singing. And the smells! Take in the aroma of food cooking with spices, sniff a bouquet of flowers, inhale the scent of newly cut grass or freshly baked bread. Listen. Smell. Touch. See the things around you as a child sees them.

Your child delights in each discovery from the simple to the complex. A baby absorbs information by reaching and touching, exploring the world with fingers and toes and mouth, and making contact with people and things...” You will find out how to encourage your child's “P.Q.,” his Play Quotient. As your child's ““Play Guide””, not only will you help your young one learn more, you’ll also teach the skills to be happier and get along better with others.

You can easily enhance your son or daughter's “Play Quotient” once you know how to choose toys carefully. And I think you'll enjoy playing as well. A playful parent encourages a child to be playful--a more playful child is a more aware, smarter, and more resilient one. The benefits to the whole family are enormous. And do I need to mention how your whole relationship with your child will be strengthened? Let's get you started as your child's ““Play Guide” ©

Now continue your travels into the selections in “Smart Play/Smart Toys”.

Thank you! Let’s Play!

Smart Toys Winners List
Smart Toys Image Gallery

Smart Toys Winners by
Learning Skills:

Auditory Skills
Cognitive Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Tactile Skills
Visual Skills

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