2004 Vacation Seal

Peace Rug®

  • Educational Skills
Age Range: 3 - 12
Price: $99.99
Phone: 888-732-2378
Year Released: 2000
 Peace Rug Company / Peace Rug®

The Peace Rug is a wonderfully innovative way to teach children how to get along better with others, making every day a vacation. Children need to learn creative ways to resolve conflicts at school. The Peace Rug is a beautiful 3’ x 5’ rug that comes with a set of special instructions that come in a brochure and on an audiotape. While sitting on the rug, children practice communication skills as they learn different ways to talk and create a better relationship. Peace and safety are the key elements behind this product. This rug can help provide a safe place for your child to resolve conflict, identify problems and express their emotions. This is an unique tool that is great for home or at school. (Price starts ar $99.00 + $10 shipping and handling.)

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